Normal vital signs

Normal Canine Vital Signs

Temperature* Heart Rate Respiration Rate
99.5 – 102.5 deg. F [37.5 – 39.2 deg. C]
Small breeds tend to have higher normal temperatures than large breeds.
Adult/Lg.Breed: 80- 120 beats per minute
Puppies: 120 – 140 beats per minute
15 – 30 breaths per minute
*Note: Temperatures will normally fluctuate over the course of the day. The following may increase body temperature: Time of day (pm), food intake, muscular activity, approaching estrus, during gestation, high external temperatures. The following may decrease temperature: intake of large quantities of cool fluids, time of day (am), and low atmospheric temperature.

Normal Lab Values: dog and cat

Normal lab values for CBC and CMP (complete metabolic panel) for dogs and cats. Presented in table form.

component canine feline units
glucose 65-120 70-120 mg/dl
BUN 6-24 17-30 mg/dl
creatinine 0.4-1.4 o.6-1.6 mg/dl
tot protein 5.2-7.2 5.3-7.2 g/dl
albumin 2.5-4.3 2.6-3.9 g/dl
calcium 9.5-12 9.4-11.2 mg/dl
phosphorus 3.3-6.8 4.0-7.0 mg/dl
alk.phos. 20-200 20-220 u/l
ggt 1.2 0-10 u/l
ast 10-40 8-35 u/d
ldh 30-190 35-280 u/l
cholesterol 110-314 90-150 mg/dl
total bili .04-.40 .08-.30 mg/dl
alt 10-70 10-130 u/l
amylase 200-1290 n/a u/l
cpk 20-200 20-160 u/l
co2 17-24 17-24 mEq/l
triglycerides 20-200 20-100 mg/dl
direct bili 0-0.3 0-0.3 mg/dl
uric acid 0-2.0 0-1.0 mg/dl
sodium 140-151 143-153 mEq/l
potassium 3.4-5.4 3.5-5.2 mEq/l
chloride 105-120 108-128 mEq/l
lipase 120-258 120-258 u/l
globulins 0.9-4.0 1.5-4.0 g/dl
A/G 0.53-3.5 0.56-2.6
AGAP 5-30 5-30
Hgb 120-180 80-150 g/l
hct 0.37-0.55 0.24-0.45 l/l
rbc 5.5-8.5 5-10 x 10 6 /ul
mcv 60-77 39-55 fl
mch 19.5-24.5 13-17 pg
mchc 32-36 30-36 g/dl
retic 0-1.5% 0-1% %
wbc 6-17.1 5.5-19.5 x 1000 ul
segs 3.6-11.5 2.5-12.5 x 1000/ul
bands 0-0.3 0-0.3 x1000/
eos 0.01-1.25 0.0-1.5 x 1000/ul
lympho 1.0-4.8 1.5-7.0 x1000ul
monos 0.15-1.35 0.0-0.85 x1000 ul
platelets 2-9 3-7 x 100000ul

Lab Results : what they mean

What the results of a CBC, Chemistry Profile (CMP), and a Urinalysis mean…

A wide variety of tests are used to certify good health or indicate the presence of infection or disease. The major tests and some of the common vocabulary in lab reports are explained below.

A Complete Blood Count indicates the number and type of cells in the dog’s blood.This standard test can identify anemia and leukemia, as well as the presence of many infections.

A Serum Chemistry Profile includes a variety of tests that examine the functioning of organs, such as the liver and thyroid. If these tests indicate any abnormality.

CBC Values  & CMP

Red Blood Cells (RBC) – responsible for carrying oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body. Iron deficiency will lower RBC count. In more reduced count, it may indicate hemorrhage, parasites, bone marrow disease, B-12 deficiency, folic acid deficiency or copper deficiency. RBC lives for 120 days so an anemia of any kind other than hemorrhage indicates a long standing problem.

Hematocrit (HCT) or Packed Cell Volume (PCV) – Provides information on the amount of red blood cells (RBC) present in the blood. Decreased levels means anemia from hemorrhage, parasites, nutritional deficiencies or chronic disease process, such as liver disease, cancer, etc. . Increased levels are often seen in dehydration.

Hemoglobin (Hb) – The essential oxygen carrier of the blood. Decreased levels indicate the presence of hemorrhage, anemia, iron deficiency. Increased levels indicate higher than normal concentrate of RBC, B-12 deficiency (because there are fewer cells).

Reticulocytes – Immature red blood cells. Decreased count is usually associate with anemia. Increased count is associated with chronic hemorrage or hemolytic anemia.

Platelets (PLT) – Play an important role in blood clotting. Decrease in number occurs in bone marrow depression, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, systemic lupus, severe hemorrhage or intravascular coagulation. Increased number may occurs with fracture or blood vessel injury, or cancer.

MCV – Measurement of the avarage size of the RBC. Elevated volumes can be due to B-12 folic acid deficiency and reduced volumes are from an iron deficiency.

White blood cells (WBC) – The body’s primary means of fighting infection. Decreased levels may indicate an overwhelming infections (viruses), or drug / chemical poisoning. Increased levels indicate bacterial infection, emotinal upsets and blood disorders.

Lymphocytes (L/M) – These smooth, round white blood cells increase in number with chronic infection, recovery from acute infection or underactive glands and decrease with stress, or treatment with steroids and chemotherapy drug.

Calcium (CA) – Blood calcium levels are influenced by diet, hormone levels and blood protein levels. Decreased levels indicate acute damage to the pancrease or undersctive parathyroid. Muscle twitches may occur in decreased level. Increased levels can be an indicator of certain types of tumors, parthyroid or kidney disease. Dr. Goldstein mentioned in his book, Nature of Animal Healing that low calcium level may indicate deficiency of pancreatic enzymes, and high calcium level may indicate poor metabolism of fats and protein.

Phosphorus (PHOS) – Affected by diet, parathormone and kidney. Decreased levels shows overactive parathyroid gland and malignancies, malnutrition and malabsorption. Increases with underactive parathyroid gland and kidney failure.

Electrolytes (Sodium, Potassium, Chloride) – The balance of these chemicals is vital to health. Abnormal levels can be life threatening. Electrolyte tests are important in evaluating vomiting, diarrhea and cardiac symptoms.

Cholesterol (CHOL) – Decreased levels are found in an overactive thyroid gland, interstinal malabsorption. Elevated levels of cholesterol are seen in a variety of disorders including hypothyroidism and diseases of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular, diabetes, stress.

Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) – An enzyme that becomes elevated with liver disease.

Alkaline Phosphatase (ALKP) – An enzyme produced by the biliary tract (liver). High levels indicate bone disease, liver disease or bile flow blockage.

Total Billirubin (TBIL) – A component of bile, bilirubin is secreted by the liver into the intestinal tract. High levels can lead to jaundice and indicate destruction in the liver and bile duct.

Total Protein (TP) – Increases indicate dehydration or blood cancer, bone marrow cancer; decreases indicate malnutrition, poor digestion, liver or kidney disease, bleeding or burns.

Globulins (GLOB) – Decreased levels indicate problems with antibodies, immunodeficiency viruses or risk of infectious disease. Increased levels may indicate stress, dehydration or blood cancer, allergies, liver disease, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes.

Albumin (ALB) – Produced by the liver, reduced levels of this protein can point to chronic liver or kidney disease, or parasitic infections such as hookworm. High levels indicate dehydration and loss of protein.

Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) – BUN is produced by the liver and excreted by the kidneys. Decreased levels are seen with low protein diets, liver insufficiency, and the use of anabolic steroid drug. Increased levels indicate any condition that reduces the kidney’s ability to filter body fluids in the body or interferes with protein breakdown.

Creatinine (CREA) – Creatinine is a by-product of muscle metabolism and is excreted by the kidneys. Elevated levels can indicate kidney disease or urinary obstruction, muscle disease, arthritis, hyperthyroidism, and disbetes. An increased BUN and normal creatinine suggest an early or mild problem. An increased creatinine and increased BUN with elevated phosphorus indicate a long standing kidney disease.

Blood Glucose (GLU) – High levels can help diagnose diabetes and can indicate stress, excess of the hormone progesterone, an overactive adrenal gland. Low levels can indicate liver disease, tumors or abnormal growth on pancreas, an underactive adrenal gland.

Amylase (AMYL) – The pancreas produces and secrets amylase to aid in digestion. Elevated blood levels can indicate pancreatic and/or kidney disease.


Color – Normal color is yellow to amber. Red is caused by Blood, Dark yellow to brown with yellow form are caused by bilirubin, reddish brown is caused by hemoglobin / myoglobin.

Transparency – Normal is clear. Cloudy urine is caused by crystals, cells, blood, mucous, bacteria or cast.

Specific Gravity – 1.007 ~ 1.029 occurs with diabetes mellitus, insipidus, overactive adrenals, excessive thirst and pyometra. A pet with kidney failure has a specific gravity of between 1.008-1.012. In cats with normal kidney function, the Gravity should be greater than 1.034, in dogs it should be greater than 1.025. However, over 1.040 can occur with high fever, dehydration, diabetes mellitus, vomiting, diarhea and severe homorrhage.

PH Levels – It should be 6.2~6.5, little on the acidic side.

Note When you have the blood work done, make sure your pet has fasted for at least 12 hours before the test. Some difference in clinical chemistries exist between breeds. You should always establish what is normal for your pet. Their bodies are all different. The abnormal reading may be normal for your pet.

References:The Holistic Guide For A Healthy Dog: Wendy Volhard & Kerry Brown, DVM; Hepatitis A-Z; Howard Hughes Medical Institute; Washington State University Colleage of Veterinary Medicine; College of Veterinary Medicine Oregon State University; Abbot Laboratories; North Western Laboratories Limited

Analgesics Position Statement

The American Animal Hospital Association recommends that veterinarians routinely administer appropriate analgesics to minimize pain in their patients.

Analgesics need to be used preemptively for any medical condition or veterinary procedure associated with pain and for as long as necessary to prevent pain during recovery. AAHA agrees with The American College of Veterinary Anesthesiologists that if a procedure is painful to humans it will be painful to animals. For a full discussion on this topic, please consult the AAHA/AAFP Pain Management Guidelines for Dogs and Cats.

Canine Devocalization Position Statement

The American Animal Hospital Association is opposed to the practice known as debarking, canine devocalization or vocal cordectomy.

Devocalization for inappropriate and excessive vocalization is often ineffective in achieving the desired results and can deprive canines of the ability to perform a normal behavior. Appropriate behavioral modification efforts should be employed that avoid the use of punishment or aversive methods. When deemed necessary, devocalization should only be performed by qualified, licensed veterinarians as a final alternative to relinquishment or euthanasia. Exceptions to this statement would be in the rare case of airway obstruction or laryngeal paralysis which cannot be addressed through other surgical procedures.

Canine influenza case in San Diego county

Dog Flu Reported in San Diego County
Canine influenza was first reported in Florida in 2004 and has spread across the United States

Source: Dog Flu Reported in San Diego County | NBC 7 San Diego
A dog has tested positive for canine influenza in what’s believed to be the first documented case in San Diego County.

Dawn Danielson, director of the San Diego County Department of Animal Services, confirmed the positive test result Friday from a dog at the county’s shelter in Bonita.

While this isn’t the first case in California, it is the first reported case in the county according to the department.

Dogs that are infected will show symptoms including a cough, runny nose and fever. Experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say a small proportion of dogs can develop severe disease.

The virus does not spread to humans however it can spread from dog to dog through a human’s touch. Continue reading Canine influenza case in San Diego county

Temperature in closed car




During July 1995, an infant in southeast Louisiana died as a result of heat exposure in an enclosed automobile. To evaluate degree of heat exposure in a vehicle, we compared the temperature rise inside an enclosed, dark-colored vehicle with the temperature rise in a light-colored vehicle with the windows partly open. Within 20 minutes, readings in both cars exceeded 125°F and reached approximately 140°F in 40 minutes–a temperature rise of over 45°F. A person who is unable to remove himself from an enclosed vehicle is at risk for a life-threatening crisis if left alone in a sun-exposed car for even a relatively short period of time. In light of such risks, it becomes imperative for individuals to be not only cautious about leaving anyone in a parked car but also to consider protective measures, both for the occupants and the vehicle itself. Installing durable seat covers, designed to withstand varying temperatures and protect the seats from prolonged exposure, can be a practical step towards minimizing the impact of extreme heat on the interior of the vehicle.Also, pairing the use of durable seat covers with the choice of zero tax cars can amplify the financial benefits for car owners. By selecting vehicles that are exempt from road tax, individuals can significantly reduce their annual ownership expenses, allowing for more budget allocation towards essential maintenance and protective measures like seat covers. So, if you are seeking a unique blend of affordability and adventure, consider exploring the world of used camper vans. One such option, Swanswaygarages which offers volkswagen california camper van for sale, a combination of functionality and leisure. Potential buyers can leverage online resources to locate dealerships specializing in used Volkswagen California camper vans. By carefully evaluating both the vehicle and the dealership’s reputation, individuals can embark on road trips and outdoor adventures with peace of mind.


When the body is exposed to extreme temperatures serious harm can occur. Although heat-related illness and death occur primarily among the elderly, infants are also at risk (1, 2) Heat exhaustion and heat stroke can occur rapidly in enclosed vehicles. During July 1995, a two-year-old child in southeast Louisiana died as a result of heat exposure in an enclosed automobile. In addition, two children under the age of five died in Louisiana during 1993 from heat exposure.

This study compares the temperature rise inside two vehicles exposed to sunlight.

Continue reading Temperature in closed car