hip dysplasia, identification, treatment, research, and breeding

Hip Check:In the battle against canine hip dysplasia, identification, treatment, research, and careful breeding selection are the weapons of choice.
First printed in the July 2002 issue of the AKC Gazetteby Jerold S Bell, DVM, Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine

For affected dogs, hip dysplasia can be a debilitating and painful disease. It has been one of the fancy’s great challenges to combat and treat this hereditary developmental disorder, whose signs can include hip-joint pain, hind-limb weakness, lameness, exercise intolerance, degenerative joint disease, and arthritis. The disorder can include several abnormalities of the hip joints, such as joint laxity, anatomical abnormalities, and a predisposition to arthritis. While hip dysplasia is commonly perceived to be a disorder of larger dogs, it also occurs in small breeds, mixed-breed dogs, and even cats. The Pug, for example, has a significant frequency of affected dogs, while the Siberian Husky has a relatively low frequency of dysplasia. Continue reading hip dysplasia, identification, treatment, research, and breeding

Intervertebral Disc Disease

Cheryl L. Chrisman, DVM, MS, EdS
…The intervertebral (IV) disc is a spongy cushion that is located between the vertebrae just below the spinal canal and spinal cord. The IV disc acts like a shock absorber and adds flexibility during movement of the spinal column. There are approximately 34 IV discs throughout the entire neck and back. Each IV disc consists of an outer tough ring that has a soft gelatinous center much like a day old jelly filled donut.
IV disc disease is a degeneration of the disc that can occur due to premature or normal aging specific to certain breeds of dogs. A degenerating IV disc can rupture and spill its contents into the spinal canal (Type I disc herniation). This is often referred to as a slipped disc and can irritate, bruise or compress the spinal cord causing sudden pain or paralysis. A degenerating IV disc can also enlarge and slowly push up into the spinal canal (Type II disc disease) and put pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots which enter and exit the spinal cord causing a slow
progressive staggering gait, weakness in the legs or complete limb paralysis. Type I intervertebral disc herniation will be discussed here. Continue reading Intervertebral Disc Disease

Canine Hip Dysplasia May Be Underreported,

According To Penn Vet Comparative Study
04 Sep 2010

A study comparing a University of Pennsylvania method for evaluating a dog’s susceptibility to hip dysplasia to the traditional American method has shown that 80 percent of dogs judged to be normal by the traditional method are actually at risk for developing osteoarthritis and hip dysplasia, according to the Penn method. Continue reading Canine Hip Dysplasia May Be Underreported,

Arthritis & exercise

Kinematic motion analysis of the joints of the forelimbs and hind limbs of dogs during walking exercise regimens
Peter J. Holler, Mag med vet; Verena Brazda, Mag med vet; Barbara Dal-Bianco, Mag med vet; Elisabeth Lewy, DVM; Marion C. Mueller, DVM; Christian Peham, Dr techn; Barbara A. Bockstahler, DVM
Project Group Dog, Movement Science Group Vienna, Clinical Department of Small Animals and Horses, University of Veterinary Medicine, A 1210 Vienna, Austria. (Holler, Brazda, Dal-Bianco, Lewy, Mueller); Project Group Dog, Movement Science Group Vienna, Section for Physiotherapy and Acupuncture Clinic for Surgery and Ophthalmology, Clinical Department of Small Animals and Horses, University of Veterinary Medicine, A  1210 Vienna, Austria. (Peham, Bockstahler)
Address correspondence to Mr. Holler (peter.holler@vetmeduni.ac.at).

Objective”To assess forelimbs and hind limb joint kinematics in dogs during walking on an inclined slope (uphill), on a declined slope (downhill), or over low obstacles (cavaletti) on a horizontal surface and compare findings with data acquired during unimpeded walking on a horizontal surface.

Animals”8 nonlame dogs (mean ± SD age, 3.4 ± 2.0 years; weight, 23.6 ± 4.6 kg).

Procedures”By use of 10 high-speed cameras and 10 reflecting markers located on the left forelimbs and hind limbs, joint kinematics were recorded for each dog during uphill walking, downhill walking, and walking over low obstacles or unimpeded on a horizontal surface. Each exercise was recorded 6 times (10 s/cycle); joint angulations, angle velocities and accelerations, and range of motion for shoulder, elbow, carpal, hip, stifle, and tarsal joints were calculated for comparison.

Results”Compared with unimpeded walking, obstacle exercise significantly increased flexion of the elbow, carpal, stifle, and tarsal joints and extension in the carpal and stifle joints. Only uphill walking caused increased hip joint flexion and decreased stifle joint flexion; downhill walking caused less flexion of the hip joint. During obstacle exercise, forward angle velocities in the elbow and stifle joints and retrograde velocity in the tarsal joint changed significantly, compared with unimpeded walking. Joint angle acceleration of the elbow joint changed significantly during all 3 evaluated exercises.

Conclusions and Clinical Relevance”These evidence-based data indicated that each evaluated exercise, except for downhill walking, has a specific therapeutic value in physical therapy for dogs.

July 2010, Vol. 71, No. 7, Pages 734-740
doi: 10.2460/ajvr.71.7.734

Intro to PennHip 2

The PennHIP method is a novel way to assess, measure and interpret hip joint laxity. It consists of three separate radiographs: the distraction view, the compression view and the hip extended view.

It is the amount of displacement of the femoral head from the acetabulum during distraction radiography that has been termed passive hip laxity and that has been shown to be directly related to the probability that a hip will develop degenerative joint disease characteristic of hip dysplasia. Continue reading Intro to PennHip 2