Lamb & Rice All Breeds Growth 8 recall

Lamb & Rice All Breeds Growth 8,” produced in Belgium by Versele-Laga recalls all products made during the last 8 months.
Veterinarians connected to Ghent University sounded the alarm because young puppies had seizures after eating certain types of dog food.

This relates to chunks of Bento Kronen, “Lamb & Rice All Breeds Growth 8.” It is not yet proven whether the seizures are directly related to the consumption of the kibble, but according to veterinarian Sofie Bhati, head neurology clinic at the University of Ghent, all affected puppies ate the pellets.

The producer, Versele-Laga, has already been informed. The Federal Agency for the Safety of Food calls the case “weird”. “We are awaiting the results of the investigation, but assume that possibly a supplier changed the composition without
our knowledge. As a precaution we have decided to recall the products distributed during the recent 8 months”, said marketing manager Ann Breugelmans….
similar recall steps have been undertaken in Israel. The local importer/distributor of “Lamb & Rice All Breeds Growth 8,” produced in Belgium by Versele-Laga, has been required by Israel’s Veterinary Services on 19 May 2011 to collect the product from the shops and from private clients. No cases in puppies have been recorded in Israel.