“Interestingly, cancers of the ovaries and uterus are rare in dogs. This could be because most dogs do not reach the age at which these cancers become more common. “…..”Purebred dogs are twice as likely to get breast cancer as are mixed breed dogs of the same age. The most important conclusion gained from examining studies of breast cancer in dogs is that early spaying protects against breast cancer. Continue reading Cancer risks
Tag: cancer
Cancer risks in cats and dogs
Cancer Risks in Cats and Dogs By Theresa A. Fuess, Ph.D. Information Specialist University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine
“Spaying and neutering can reduce the risk of cancer. Dogs spayed before the first heat cycle have only half the risk of mammary carcinoma of those spayed after the first but before the second heat cycle. Dogs spayed after the fifth heat cycle or never spayed have the highest risk of mammary cancer. Testicular carcinomas or tumors in dogs are common, but having your dog neutered eliminates that risk. Fortunately, testicular cancer rarely spreads in dogs, unlike in human beings, so treatment has a high success rate.”<