The Rising Storm: What Breeders Need to Know about the Immune System
Winner of 2002 AKC/CHF Golden Paw Award
First published in the Aussie Times, May-June 2002
by C.A. Sharp
A complex and threatening storm is gathering on horizon. Reports of immune-mediated disease are on the rise in Australian Shepherds, as well as other purebred dogs. In magazines, on Internet discussion lists and at gatherings devoted to dogs autoimmune disease and allergies are regular topics. Continue reading Auto-immune problems with breeding
Category: Genetics and Breeding
Breed specific risks
Top 10 Breed-Specific risks; PDF file from Ohio State Univ.
See the top 10 problems for a certain breed. risk.pdf
Inherited disorders database
Canine Inherited Disorders Database
This website is useful for:
* dog owners whose pet has been found to have an inherited condition
* potential dog owners who want help in avoiding these problems when choosing a pet
* veterinarians looking for current information on both well-known and more obscure genetic disorders, including diagnostic and therapeutic information
* dog breeders who are looking for suggestions on how to avoid these conditions in their lines of dogs<
Hypertrophic osteodystrophy (HOD)
HOD Hypertrophic Osteodystrophy
Affects large breed dogs, is a painful orthopedic condition with fair to poor prognosis. Continue reading Hypertrophic osteodystrophy (HOD)
Canine diversity project
Canine Diversity Project
“The Canine Diversity Project is an attempt to acquaint breeders of domesticated Canidae (dogs) with the dangers of inbreeding and the overuse of popular sires .Both lead to the indiscriminate loss of genetic diversity and increase the frequency of genetic problems in the population. These abuses have not been restricted to dogs, but have also occurred in horses, cattle and many other domestic animals, largely as a consequence of outdated beliefs dating back to the early days of genetics. Even their wild cousins have been the unfortunate victims of genetic malpractice by zoos. Fortunately, zoo biologists have recognized the dangers to these and many other species, and Species Survival Plans have been developed for many.
Though, as a species, Canis familiaris is not endangered, a number of breeds are in as much danger of extinction as some of their wild cousins ..If different varieties of wolves are worthy of preservation, are not the different breeds of domestic dogs equally worthy? Continue reading Canine diversity project
Genetic selection & police dog behavior
Sandy Bryson
Police dog service requires canines that are balanced in social, play, search and aggression behavior as well as physically healthy. Selecting for one or a limited number of genetic traits, such as extraordinarily high energy and aggression, can result in behavior that is counterproductive to police work. In addition to genes, life experience and training determine adult dog behavior. Dogs with inadequate human socialization, fear reaction, or conflicted training may perform patterned behavior in a controlled environment yet react inappropriately or dangerously to the novelties of street work. Continue reading Genetic selection & police dog behavior
Achieving genetic health
Purebred Dog Breeds into the Twenty-First Century
— Achieving Genetic Health for Our Dogs.
What is a Canine Breed? By J. Jeffrey Bragg 1996, Free reproduction and distribution rights.
WHAT IS A BREED? To put the question more precisely, what are the necessary conditions that enable us to say with conviction, “this group of animals constitutes a distinct breed?”
In the cynological world, three separate approaches combine to constitute canine breeds. Dogs are distinguished first by ancestry, all of the individuals descending from a particular founder group (and only from that group) being designated as a breed. Next they are distinguished by purpose or utility, some breeds existing for the purpose of hunting particular kinds of game, others for the performance of particular tasks in co-operation with their human masters, while yet others owe their existence simply to humankind’s desire for animal companionship. Finally dogs are distinguished by typology, breed standards (whether written or unwritten) being used to describe and to recognise dogs of specific size, physical build, general appearance, shape of head, style of ears and tail, etc., which are said to be of the same breed owing to their similarity in the foregoing respects. Continue reading Achieving genetic health