Other vaccines

Crotalus atrox Toxoid (Rattlesnake vaccine) two doses given one month apart with annual boosters.
The Task Force takes no position on the use of this vaccine, due to lack of experience. A reasonable expectationof efficacy does exist.

Porphyromonas sp. (Periodontal disease vaccine) see manufacturers labeled directions. The Task Force takes no position on the use of this vaccine, due to lack of experience. A reasonable expectationof efficacy does exist.
Non-Core : Read more on theseĀ  before deciding to administer.
Distemper-Measles (NEVER indicated in animals older than 12 wks)
Bordetella live and killed
Lyme Borreliosis
Leptospira interrogans

Not Recommended : Read more on these
Canine parvovirus (CPV-2) (killed)
Canine Adenovirus-1 (MLV & killed)
Canine Adenovirus-2 (CAV-2)(killed or MLV topical)
Canine Coronavirus (CCV)(killed and MLV)
Giardia lamblia (killed)

*MLV = modified live virus
**note: Canine Adenovirus-1 (MLV & killed) not recommended due to risk of hepatitis blue-eye reactions.
Canine Adenovirus-2 (CAV-2)(killed or MLV topical) not recommended as less effective than CAV-2 MLV parenteral<

Rattlesnake vaccine

Rattlesnake Vaccine

It is manufactured from inactivated venom components of the Crotalus atrox ( western diamondback rattlesnake ). The vaccine is for prophylactic use in healthy dogs to help reduce morbidity and mortality from rattlesnake toxin. There is some cross-protection against the venoms of other types of rattlesnakes. Continue reading Rattlesnake vaccine