Human Contacts with Oral Rabies Vaccine Baits

Human Contacts with Oral Rabies Vaccine Baits Distributed for Wildlife Rabies Management — Ohio, 2012
April 12, 2013 / 62(14);267-269

Baits laden with oral rabies vaccines are important for the management of wildlife rabies in the United States (1). In August 2012, the Wildlife Services program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service began a field trial involving limited distribution of a new oral rabies vaccine bait in five states, including Ohio. The vaccine consisted of live recombinant human adenovirus type 5 vector, expressing rabies virus glycoprotein (AdRG1.3) (Onrab). A previously used oral rabies vaccine consisting of a live recombinant vaccinia vector, expressing rabies virus glycoprotein (V-RG) (Raboral V-RG) (2,3), was distributed in other areas of Ohio. To monitor human contacts and potential vaccine virus exposure, surveillance was conducted by the Ohio Department of Health, local Ohio health agencies, and CDC. During August 23–September 7, 2012, a total of 776,921 baits were distributed in Ohio over 4,379 square miles (11,341 square kilometers). During August 24–September 12, a total of 89 baits were reported found by the general public, with 55 human contacts with baits identified (some contacts involved more than one bait). In 27 of the 55 human contacts, the bait was not intact, and a barrier (e.g., gloves) had not been used to handle the bait, leaving persons at risk for vaccine exposure and vaccine virus infection. However, no adverse events were reported. Continued surveillance of human contacts with oral rabies vaccine baits and public warnings to avoid contact with baits are needed because of the potential for vaccine virus infection. Continue reading Human Contacts with Oral Rabies Vaccine Baits

Canine Influenza Vaccine Found Effective Against Secondary Infections

Recent research by Ron Schultz, professor and chair of the Department of Pathobiological Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine, has shown the newly approved Canine Influenza Virus (CIV) vaccine to be effective not only in reducing length, severity and spread of the virus, but also in protecting against secondary infections.
Continue reading Canine Influenza Vaccine Found Effective Against Secondary Infections

New canine flu vaccine

24 Jun 2009
Canine influenza was first identified in the United States in 2004. Since then, CIV has continued to spread and has now been detected in dogs in 30 states and the District of Columbia, according to Dr. Crawford and Edward J. Dubovi, Ph.D., Professor of Virology, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, two of the nation’s leading experts on Canine H3N8 who have been tracking the disease since 2004. Continue reading New canine flu vaccine

Low Cost rabies screen for veterinarians

05 Feb 2009
Dyne Immune, LLC announced their new, portable Rabies RAPIDâ„¢ (Rapid Antibody Portable Immunodetection) Screen, which can detect the presence of rabies in an animal saliva sample within 30 minutes, providing vital information much sooner than traditional testing methods.
Continue reading Low Cost rabies screen for veterinarians

Immunology vaccines
Susan Thorpe Vargas MS, Ph.D.

One of the most controversial issues in veterinary science today concerns puppy vaccinations. What people are questioning is the frequency of vaccination, some safety vs. efficacy concerns and even whether to vaccinate at all. So when you ask your vet when to bring your animal back for its next shot, be aware there is no one correct answer. How often to vaccinate will depend upon quite a few different factors. Some of these considerations include dog’s environment, its breed, the age at which the first shot was given and the interval between shots. Continue reading Immunology vaccines