Tick-Borne Diseases: An Emerging Threat

Dr. Brian J. Luria
University of Florida
Our awareness in human and veterinary medicine that certain insects and arthropods transmit disease has been established for many years. In recent years, our knowledge has increased dramatically, mostly due to advancements in our ability to diagnose these diseases. For a variety of reasons, ticks are appearing in greater numbers than ever. Ticks are a very important cause of debilitating and deadly diseases and conditions in both humans and domestic animals. Almost equal to the disease transmitting potential of ticks, is the fear and concern that arise among many owners and veterinary staff members when a tick is found on a dog or cat.
This discussion will focus on education regarding the diseases that ticks can transmit, how to diagnose and treat them, and how to prevent your dogs from acquiring ticks and the diseases they transmit. Continue reading Tick-Borne Diseases: An Emerging Threat